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Home School Agreement


Pupil's Commitments
  • I will come to school every day on time, unless my parents/carers inform the school of a valid reason for absence.
  • I will join in with the prayer life of the school
  • I will always work, think, and behave in the best way I know how, and I will do whatever it takes to enable me and everyone else to learn.
  • I will raise my hand and ask questions in class if I do not understand something
  • If I make a mistake, I will tell the truth to school staff and accept responsibility for my actions, even if this is hard to do.
  • I will treat others how I would like to be treated, showing everyone respect
  • I will accept and follow the school’s behaviour policy.
  • I will behave responsibly when travelling to and from school and when on school visits.
  • I will wear the correct uniform.
  • I will follow the school’s anti-bullying policy.
  • I will respect and care for the school environment and the local area.  I will not drop litter or damage property through graffiti or vandalism.
  • I will endeavour to be the best I can be in all aspects of school life.
School's Commitments

We fully commit to help students achieve excellence in the following ways

  • We will teach in the best way we know how and we will do whatever it takes to enable students to learn.
  • The Committee Representitives, LA and the diocese will work in partnership with the school to provide a safe and happy environment where all pupils can grow in confidence, knowledge and understanding
  • The school will teach and practice the Jesuit Pupil Profile Virtues (see above)
  • We will make ourselves available to students and parents, and address any concerns they may have.
  • We will protect the safety, interests, and rights of all individuals in the school.
  • We will provide a balanced curriculum that meets, wherever possible, the individual needs of the student.
  • We will challenge all students to achieve their highest standard of work and behaviour.
  • We will encourage success and recognise effort and achievement.
  • We will set, assess and monitor homework, providing relevant feedback.
  • We will provide information to parents/carers about their child’s progress, attainment and attendance.
  • We will provide clear information advice and guidance to support future learning choices and career pathways.
  • We will provide extra-curricular and personal development opportunities for all.
  • We will work in partnership with you to enable your child to achieve their potential.
  • We will treat parents/carers and students with courtesy and respect.
Parent/Carers' Commitments

I/We fully commit to helping my child achieve excellence through:

  • Supporting the school’s aims, ethos and values.
  • Ensuring that my child attends school each day, on time and properly equipped.
  • Always helping my child in the best way I know how and I will do whatever it takes for him/her to learn.
  • Monitoring my child’s homework and supporting opportunities for homework.
  • Making myself available to my child and the school, and address any concerns they may have,  attending parents’ evenings, information meetings and supporting other school events.
  • Supporting the school’s behaviour policy
  • Supporting the school’s dress code.
  • Informing the school of issues that may affect my child’s school performance.
  • Allowing relevant confidential information to be discussed by appropriate agencies in support programmes for my child.
  • Treating staff and students with respect.

I understand that my child must follow the school’s rules and the direction of its staff so as to protect the safety, interests, and rights of all individuals.