'The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company have established an Interim Governing Body with effect from 1st August 2022. The main function of the IGB will be to secure effective governance of the school, developing a sound basis for improvement, assess the future viability of the school and make recommendations to the PFMAC Board. The IGB will be in place until 31 July 2024, when the situation will be reviewed.'
The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company (PFMAC)
Our school is part of The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company (PFMAC), the family of Catholic schools in Oxfordshire, who work together to promote the teaching of Christ and the Catholic faith.
We believe each person is a unique creation made in the image of and likeness of God, called by name, with a special vocation and gifts to bring to the world. We seek to develop these talents in each individual by being a beacon for Catholic education in Oxfordshire.
The Local Governing Body is entrusted, by the Board of Directors, with delegated authority within our school. Details of our responsibilities are laid out in the Scheme of Delegation and the Terms of Reference for the Local Governing Body can be found here.
The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England and Wales with company number 9113542 and registered address Addison Road, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 9DG.
For more information about The Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Company please visit their website.
Ian Courtney - Chair of Governors
Ian Courtney MBE is also Chair of Governors at Carterton Community College, and Vice Chair of Governors at The Downland Federation in West Berkshire. A governor for 23 years, Ian has significant experience of governance, he chaired Okehampton College for 15 years which achieved Outstanding in 2015, built a 7 school federation then a Co-Operative Trust of 10 schools. In 2018 he was founding Chair of the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust, a mixed MAT which comprises 3 secondary schools, 14 primaries and an Alternative Provision school. He chaired the Devon Schools Forum and the Devon Association of Governors for 6 years. He was a trustee of the National Governance Association for 9 years three of which were as Chair. He has been a National Leader of Governance since 2014, a member of the executive of Oxfordshire Governors Association and was awarded MBE in 2015 for services to education
Nick Kavanagh - Historic Governor - Term of office finished 31st July 23.